Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Feeling blessed

Lately that's just how I've been feeling. Simply blessed! Blessed with a beautiful family, blessed with Daddy's job(!), blessed with friends who don't mind us sinners!

In the winter I sometimes don't feel as happy or joyful as I do in the summer. I'm sure that makes sense to a lot of you, but I know some who adore the winter! And don't get me wrong; I enjoy the snow. I love sledding with everyone and hiking in God's white wonderland.

But for me, there's something enchanting about the sunshine. I love to feel it; it feels like God's love. I close my eyes and soak it in.

Fall's brisk weather and spices are invigorating. Winter's snow can seem magical. Spring's new buds are tender and sweet.

But to me, summer-- summer is a smile. Summer is a walk in the evening when the sun casts shadows over the fields.

Summer is stopping by a friend's house for lemonade.

Summer is roasting marshmellows and shooting off fireworks on the 4th.

Summer is laying in the back of Daddy's Scout, counting shooting stars while he drives around the neighborhood.

Summer is when all the windows in the house are open, and the breeze just floats by!

Summer is Bible study, way out east! Four-square and volleyball.

So even though I can't have summer, yet. I'm blessed with memories of it, and the feeling that it's coming!

I don't mention what I'm thankful for or feeling blessed by, enough. So thank you, Jesus, for summer time memories!

Now I'll just finish making those winter ones!

The day is Yours, and Yours also the night; You established the sun and moon.
It was You who set all the boundaries of the earth; You made both summer and winter.
  • Psalm 74: 16-17

Monday, February 15, 2010

Daniel's method

The other day we got home from the library with a DVD that hadn't been unlocked. It wasn't even the library's fault, because we went through the self check-out. ( I hate those, in case you were wondering. 10 minutes of pretending you know what to do for a box of Reeses Pieces. Really?)

Well, Kyle and I were going to go watch Valkyrie, but we found out it was locked. Daniel, without any hesitation, said, "I can get that." He took the movie, walked over to the hutch, pulled an 8 lb. weight out from under it, and slammed it on the case!

Boys. You gotta love 'em!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I just love little boys!

Today Daniel was a fun ball of energy. He was this way and that way, all the time!

I was at the computer, when he came up behind me and said, "Hey Rachel, look at my moves."

I turned around and smiled and said, "Okay!" I watched him swing his arms and his legs pretty much everywhere they would go then said, "Wow!"

I started to turn around, and his sweet, little head tilted, his hands came up, and he said "Rachel? I'm not finished!"

I couldn't help but laugh, and he started over. But this time with a narrative!

Boy, did God know what He was doing when he sent Daniel!