Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Thousands. Not millions

the Creation Museum
proved to be a wonderful visit. But, of course, we all knew it would be!
The photography throughout the halls was just awesome! Wouldn't it be amazing for a Christian photographer to be able to work for an organization that he/she agreed with and believed in, rather than being a wild life photographer with the only option of the secular National Geographic or nothing?
The museum also proved to be wonderful way to teach Daniel more about Creationism.
One of my favorite parts was when we walked into a room and the AiG movie about the 6 Days of Creation was playing. We sat down, and the narrator was quoting the first verses in Genesis.
Daniel had been memorizing those with Mommy, and it was amazing for him to see what he had only heard! How God brought light and the waters and the birds into being with only His voice!
We all had a wonderful time and were so blessed to have gone!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

lovin' this trip

Well, all. At first I was just the teaniest bit dissapointed to leave home, since I just love home. But! Now that we've left and are on vacation, I'm sooooo lovin' it. You know what I do in the car while driving? I sit.
I love it!
It's a huge transition from packing and moving then upacking then moving (again!) all of those boxes! And we've had so much fun already.
Today we visited The Creation Museum in Kentucky, and I found it such a relief to go into a museum, of all places, and be able to agree with everything I read and heard! Amazing!
We'll be going againg tomorrow, and I'll have more time to post, too. But just thought an update might be nice.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

We had an adoption interview the other day...

It went splendidly!

So, say hello to pretty-nearly-perfect Daisy.
She's four years old, and she just loves to run!

I love her lots.

And I thought I might note that the day I got Daisy was a day God let a dream of mine come true. I've been hoping and praying for a Golden that I was just sure I was gonna name Daisy, since.... Yep, since a while ago. And I'm so grateful God chose to send one more joy to a wretch like me.

And, oh! is she a joy!

"Fa shame, Fa shame."

Yes, I realize that it's been longer than a month since my last post. But! of all the excuses I could give, I do believe mine is one of the better.

We've just finished moving out of our house into a house across the street.

My cousins have lived there for about 4 years, and will now be making a military-move to "Abalama." The Lord saw fit to bless us by selling our home (He is good!), and we will now be renting their house, while we look for somewhere to buy.

So it won't be a really hard transition, since it's already like a second home. Complete with memories of water gun fights, barbeques, planting hundreds of trees, game nights, and sleepovers. :)

And while I miss our home, I try to keep thoughts of discontentment out of my head. Because, really, I have no room to complain! I'm not even leaving the neighborhood I love; the one I asked the Lord to keep me in for at least one more summer (thank you Jesus!).

And God sold our house in a market that predicted otherwise. He only had us wait 3 months, too!

So if you hear me whining.... scold!