Saturday, July 25, 2009

lovin' this trip

Well, all. At first I was just the teaniest bit dissapointed to leave home, since I just love home. But! Now that we've left and are on vacation, I'm sooooo lovin' it. You know what I do in the car while driving? I sit.
I love it!
It's a huge transition from packing and moving then upacking then moving (again!) all of those boxes! And we've had so much fun already.
Today we visited The Creation Museum in Kentucky, and I found it such a relief to go into a museum, of all places, and be able to agree with everything I read and heard! Amazing!
We'll be going againg tomorrow, and I'll have more time to post, too. But just thought an update might be nice.


Unknown said...


Sisters 4 said...

Wow! It sounds like a LOVELY trip! I've heard so much about the Creation Museum, and I hope our family can visit it sometime! Well, we all miss you, but hope you are having a GREAT time! :) Love u!
