This past Wednesday we had a Christmas party with our art teacher and her family. It was really fun, and Mommy had brought stuff to do a craft. It was from Better Homes & Gardens, and it was so adorable!
We had crayola synthetic modeling clay (consistency is similar to a dense, spongy foam after hardening) that we shaped into snowmen. We than glued them to candy jars, glasses, and mugs. (Goodwill!)
But we also decorated them, and did we ever. Quite the varied bunch! We had some pretty funny ones by the end.
Momma explaining the craft to her devoted listeners. One of the reasons she picked this idea was because it would be great to give or way easy to keep.

And yes, Kyle is smiling while knowing I'm in the picture. :P

Meet my snowman, Snowman. Aren't his rosy cheeks sweet?

Ha! funny moment here. Mrs. Inman made a really cute snowman who was a bit taller than her mug. So explain to me why she put glue all over the back of his head..... Maybe you could explain it to her too. She didn't seem to know. :)

Ah! Here's Mommy's. We all agreed it was cute! AND that it must have been electrocuted at one time or another.
Some of the littler guys took a break to frost and eat cookies. Above is Daniel's response to "Do you like your cookie?"
In reality, though, he wasn't eating it. He was licking all the frosting off.
Wonder where he gets that sweet tooth from......
Wonder where he gets that sweet tooth from......

And Daniel definitely won most creative, cause as you can see.... it is!
But we loved it all the same! He did great, and had a lot of fun.

We played games for prizes, too. Daniel won a pen that had a Santa on the end of it. When you pressed a button it would shoot off. And I'm sure the Inmans had no idea that to a little, 4 year old boy this suffices for a weapon...
hahahaha... I just got that same snowman mug today. :) :)
p.s. - I love you.
Just testing.
testing again
Hahahahahaha! Oh my goodness, Rachel, I love this one! I just wanted to tell you that I cracked up so badly at the line, "Meet my snowman, Snowman," and I'm not even sure why. It struck me as hilarious!
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