My now "very old" cousin, Jessica, just turned 20 yesterday, and I just wanted to send a big Happy Birthday!
to her!
We've made a lot of memories together, but here are just a few! (Because I honestly don't think I have one blog reader who would look through that many pictures only we would laugh about! And I so would have posted the power point we made a few years ago, but it's not on my computer! It'd better be somewhere, Jess.)
Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey! Every year after every show, we made up our minds to join the circus. Yep, this is about as far as we got. But don't we look shnazzy?

At "My-Lazy-Caboose" Ranch. :D We were pretty loopy that morning. I blame it on sleep deprivation, cause it couldn't have just been us.

Hee! While the others tied ropes to fence posts to play jump rope, Jess found more... creative things to do.

My fifteenth birthday I got squashed.

It's not an "us" get together if we don't play at least one ridiculous game. Scatagories, Balderdash, and Cranium are top of the list.

I hope you have a great birthday, Jess, and know that I'm praying for you often. Hope we get to see you again soon, and of course.... Love you a million swedish fish.
Awwww, rach, that's sweet. Thank you. I love you a million hot tomales. (ps, I'm snowy. ha.)
:D <3 you!
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